(McIntosh X Jersey Black) This variety was developed at the NY Geneva Research Station in 1923. The size is medium and shaped similar to McIntosh with more striping and deeper red coloring. It has dark purplish red blush over green background. The fruit has white flesh, is firm, and aromatic. It is a high quality, all-purpose, dessert apple that ripens early Sept.
SKU: 671253175371
$10.00 Regular Price
$9.50Sale Price
(McIntosh X Jersey Black) This variety was developed at the NY Geneva Research Station in 1923. The size is medium and shaped similar to McIntosh with more striping and deeper red coloring. It has dark purplish red blush over green background. The fruit has white flesh, is firm, and aromatic. It is a high quality, all-purpose, dessert apple that ripens early Sept.